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新山英语中心 - Touch Learning

We are an Authorized Education Centre specializing in English Teaching and Higher Education Advisory since the establishment in April 2010. Covering General English Courses, IPA Learning, IELTS Preparations to HRDF Corporate Trainings. Contacts us for more info.


06/13/2018 From Overblog

新山英语中心 【英语会话课程】@ Sutera Utama / JB Downtown / Kulai / Taman Mount Austin

【 ENGLISH COURSE - 英语会话课程 】 你在为英语不流利而烦恼吗? 或没有信心开口说英文? 用对方法,原来掌握英语也不难 让我们采用轻松有趣的学习方式提升大家的英语沟通能力! 我们现已开放 《免费英语程度测试》...

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