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新山英语中心 - Touch Learning

We are an Authorized Education Centre specializing in English Teaching and Higher Education Advisory since the establishment in April 2010. Covering General English Courses, IPA Learning, IELTS Preparations to HRDF Corporate Trainings. Contacts us for more info.

bukit indah 商业英语

11/06/2019 From Overblog

【Bukit Indah】英语会话课程中心 | English Learning Centre @ Bukit Indah, JB.

TOUCH ENGLISH CENTRE 英语中心 @ BUKIT INDAH 不知你是否和小编一样曾遇过这样的情况,明明英语成绩不算差,但每次开口想说英语都支支吾吾,口齿不清,或是到最后把你所学的语文全部一起讲出来了呢?...

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